Analysis of the Role of Leadership and Risk Early Warning in Minimizing Human Errors and Work Accidents of Police Officers
Police officer is one of the professions whose duties tend to be dangerous. Some police officers have even had to sacrifice themselves for doing their duties, while the procedures for carrying out their duties, including on-duty procedures, have been made. This is why it is important for police officers to have good risk management. This is besides the fact that the leadership in a police organization also plays a role. This study analyzes leadership and risk management by involving 159 police officers as respondent subjects. Subjects were obtained by distributing leadership and risk management questionnaires to be processed. This study found that there is a linear correlation between leadership and risk management. A police officer can have good risk management, one of which is because their leaders are equally good at exemplifying risk management. This confirms the idea that leaders are supposed to be role models for their subordinates. Future research can further explore risk management and add perspectives from other variables to complete the results obtained.
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