The Use of Audio-Lingual Method in Improving Speaking Accuracy of Indonesian EFL Learners
The aims of this research were to find out the improvement on students’ speaking accuracy after being taught by using audio lingual method, and to identify what speaking accuracy aspect increase most. This researcher applied quantitative research method with 18 students from the eleven grades of accounting class of vocational high school of Kartikatama Metro – Indonesia as the sample that selected through random sampling. The data were collected through speaking test. In the speaking test, the students were asked to deliver a monologue about their identity, impression during online learning and hope. The data were collected in form of recording. Two aspects were used to indicate to students’ speaking accuracy. The result showed that the mean of students’ speaking accuracy in the pre-test was 36,1 then enhanced in the post-test with the mean score of speaking accuracy is 57,2. Grammar aspect was higher in mean difference compared to Pronunciation aspect. In conclusion, the students’ speaking accuracy improves after being taught by using Audio lingual method.
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