The Effect of Learning Strategies and Independence on Language Capability: An Experimental Study on Early Childhood in North Bengkulu Regency

Khoirotul Badriyah, Johannes Sapri, Nina Kurniah, Wasidi Wasidi


The aims of this study: (1) Differences in language skills of children who have high independence learn using contextual and conventional learning strategies, (2) Differences in language skills children who have high independence and low independence who learn to use contextual learning strategies, (3) the interaction between learning strategies and independence on language skills, (4) differences in language skills between children who have low independence who learn to use contextual and conventional learning strategies, (5) Differences in language skills between children who have high independence and those who learn using conventional learning strategies. This study used an experimental method, 2x2 factorial with a population of children aged 5-6 years (group B) and a sample of 40 children. The data collection technique used is a matter of language ability test and independence observation. The analysis technique uses the two-way ANOVA test and the t-test. From the results of the hypothesis test, it can be concluded: (1) There are differences in language skills between children who have high independence who learn to use contextual and conventional learning strategies, (2) There are differences in language skills. between children who have high independence and low independence who learn to use contextual learning strategies, (3) there is an interaction between learning strategies and independence on children's language skills, (4) there are differences in the language skills of children who have low independence who learn to use contextual learning strategies with conventional learning, (5) There are differences in language skills between children who have high independence and low independence who learn to use conventional learning strategies.


Learning Strategy; Independence; Language Capabilities

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