Assessment of Basic Locomotor Movement Skills for Elementary School Students Using Puzzle Test
Assessment of basic locomotor movements for elementary school students using Puzzle Test is a study to see the achievement of 8 basic locomotor movement skills for elementary school through motion observation instruments in the form of tests as puzzle games. The purpose of the study was to find the influence of game treatment in improving the basic locomotor movement skills on public elementary school students with the total number of participants was 32. The quantitative data analysis was carried out through The pre-experimental design used using a one-group pretest-posttest design approach. Data collection is was conducted through pre-test and post-test which the pre-test result was obtained with a minimum value = 9, maximum value = 24, mean = 16.6, a standard deviation = 3.92, Lcount normality test (0.0680) < Ltable (0.1542) which was normal, while the post-test minimum value = 17, maximum value = 23, mean = 19.9, standard deviation = 1.48, Lcount normality test (0.0806) < Ltable (0.1542) which was normal as well. Including T count = 0.177 and table T value = 2.042 then H0 rejected, HA accepted. Therefore, the pre-test value was not the same with the post-test value which meant the average post-test value was higher than the pre-test value. It can be concluded that the game treatment improves 8 basic locomotor movement using a test in the form of a puzzle game that can be proven empirically.
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