Digital Storytelling in Building Emotional Literacy and Social Skills in Early Chilhood (Qualitative Analysis at TKIT Al-Huda Wonogiri in Wonogiri District, Indonesia)
Digital storytelling is a short production of digital media that allows us to share the aspects of their stories. It comes in an emotionally attractive and interactive form through movies, audios, or other forms of media. Storytelling builds communication through child communities that allows us to learn the cultural background of the children. Through social and emotional experience, storytelling can help the development of spoken language and improve the literacy skills of early childhood and build cultural literacy awareness. Broadly speaking, digital storytelling is a literacy strategy that can be suited to the characteristics of children through the use of information technology in any kinds of learning. Several articles, illustrating the study of the effect of storytelling techniques in improving children’s emotional literacy, contributed to the idea of this research. This research applied a qualitative approach with descriptive data analysis and interpretation analysis to determine the effect of the use of digital storytelling in building emotional literacy and social skill in early childhood in Wonogiri District. The data were collected by using documentation and interview. The findings of the research found that the use of digital storytelling as a form of learning in early childhood can help in assuming children’s oral ability in communicating or interacting with friends and teachers, help to better remember the contents of the story, retell the story with confidence and build their literacy that is in accordance with their skill namely looking at the picture on the book.
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