Analysis of Criminal Liability Abuse of Authority in the Crime of Corruption on Behalf of Nimrod E Sihombing
Criminal liability related to abuse of authority was still very difficult to target the private sector in relation to corruption in the procurement of goods and services. The purpose of this writing is to find out criminal liability for perpetrators of corruption crimes who borrow companies owned by others without a transfer of work agreement (subcontract) and the application of articles of abuse of authority that will later become the basis of criminal liability for it so that in the future the company's borrowers can be punished according to their crime and create legal justice for the community. This paper presents examples of relevant cases, discusses the issue of abuse of authority by the private sector and how the article on abuse of authority in the corruption law can be used to ensnare the perpetrators and is associated with the criminal role they play. The result of this writing is that criminals in the private sector can be subject to abuse of authority related to the Crime of Corruption because it meets the element of abusing "opportunity or means" because of the "position" that exists in it as stipulated in Article 3 of Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.
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