Translating Implicature in Harry Potter and Cursed Child Novel
The translation strategies regarding translating implicature of Harry Potter and Cursed Child novel can be enhanced as the teaching material. This study was aimed to identify the implicatures in the novel. The data are conversations taken from Harry Potter and the cursed child novel written by J.K Rowling, John Tiffany, and Jack Thorne and the translated novel Harry Potter and the cursed child. The qualitative approach of comparative content analysis was employed for the study. A comparative model analyzes all the dialogue between the source and target texts. The study focused on types of translating implicature based on Desilla's (2009) classification. The result included forty implicature dialogues, namely thirty-three preservation, three explications, and four modifications. The dominant type of translating implicature was preservation. Therefore, it implied that this novel's most implicature is translated into the same implicature as the source text. This study has provided a similar sense to the target text and source text readers and understanding in teaching translation courses.
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