Development of STEM-Based Distance and Time Speed Tool to Improve Critical Thinking Ability of Elementary School Students
This research develops teaching aids for mathematics learning materials of distance, speed, and time. The making of this teaching aid is based on the needs of innovative learning, the needs of students, the results of previous research on the problem of learning difficulties in terms of speed, distance, and time. The results of the initial observation of the need for teaching aids stated that mathematics learning materials about distance, speed and time needed the right teaching aids. The teaching aids developed are designed as attractive as possible to improve independent learning at school and home. This learning aid is made interesting with the Tamiya 4D game method that is suitable for elementary school students. The research and development method used is the ADDIE Model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) which is a learning device development model. This model was developed by the ADDIE development model which consists of 5 main stages, namely: (1) analyzing (2) design (3) developing (4) implementing, and (5) evaluating. This method and model was chosen because it aims to produce a product in the form of Tamiya props material speed, distance, and time. The product that was developed was then tested for feasibility with validity and product trials to determine the extent to which students' critical thinking was developed after learning using Tamiya props on STEM-based speed, distance, and time-based materials. The results of the validation of material experts, linguists, and media experts show that the evaluation results show the quality of teaching aids by material experts is classified as a very good category with a score of 82, 44%. The quality of teaching aids by linguists is classified as very good with a category score of 87.75%. The quality of teaching aids by media experts is classified as very good with a category score of 85%. The results of the teacher's response test are included in the very good category with a score of 86.93%. Based on the percentage of score acquisition, it can be concluded that the teaching aids for solving problems on questions about distance, speed, and time materials are appropriate for use in learning activities.
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