Arbitration Arrangements Reform Online as an Alternative Form of Dispute Resolution in Fintech
Fintech business is a business conducted online will be effective and efficient if the dispute that arises resolved through alternative online dispute resolution, currently there is an institution that facilitates in using online arbitration for fintech dispute resolution, the institution is LAPS SJK, regarding the arrangement of speech is also regulated in the internal rules of LAPS SJK, However, the rule will be problematic in its use because fintech activities based on smart contract do not contain dispute resolution clauses through arbitration, in addition to the costs that are in liability through large arbitration cannot reach dispute resolution in fintech. This research aims to find out and analyze the urgency of online arbitration arrangements in fintech disputes and to analyze and reformulate arrangements regarding online arbitration in fintech disputes, this research is prepared using normative juridical research with statutory approach methods and analytical approaches. The results obtained in this study are an effective and efficient dispute resolution alternative used in fintech dispute resolution is online arbitration, but there must be an arrangement that requires fintech organizers to include online arbitration as an alternative to dispute resolution and in addition, the cost of litigating through online arbitration in LAPS SJK must be cheaper and reach small fintech dispute objects to be resolved disputes through online arbitration in fintech.
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