Traditional Fisherman Communication Network in Improving Competitiveness During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Traditional fishermen in Sendang Biru, Malang Regency live side by side with the Mina Jaya Village Unit Cooperative, the Malang Regency Fisheries Service, and the Entrepreneurs Group. Empowerment of small fishing groups (traditional fishermen) is the most important thing so that they can improve their own abilities together with partners. This study aims to establish a communication network in traditional fishing groups in Sendang Biru to determine the flow of information from each member in the group. The communication network formed within the fishing group is to unite the understanding of group members and realize information disclosure. This study uses a case study approach with qualitative methods. The selection of this approach and method aims to obtain information based on the experience of disseminating information to fishermen in Malang Regency in an effort to increase their competitiveness. The communication network formed between fishermen, the Fisheries Service, the Mina Jaya Village Unit Cooperative, and fisheries entrepreneurs forms a four-sided communication pattern that can increase competitiveness durung the Covid-19 Pandemic.
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