Public Relations Strategy in Maintaining a Positive Reputation in the Digital Age
Public relations requires mass media and mass media needs public relations to be faster, precise and accurate in the delivery of information to the public. Public relations as a source of information in the process of processing and conveying information provides an effective space for the media to continue information. But the existence of technology in the industrial era 4.0 especially with the Covid-19 pandemic requires public relations and mass media to stay on good terms by utilizing technology in communicating. This research seeks to find out how the public relations strategy of the Madiun City Government in preventing the occurrence of potentially negative news that will affect the reputation of the region. This research uses descriptive qualitative method by using interview technique. The results showed that the public relations strategy of the Madiun City Government implemented through Media Relations activities was able to maintain good relations with the media so that it could control the news circulating in the community so that reputation was maintained.
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