Study of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) on Zero Waste Management of Household Infectious Waste in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic
In the recent status quo, there are about 20.1 million global confirmed cases and 742 thousand deaths during the COVID19 Global Pandemic. One of the consequences is the significant increase in the development of infectious medical waste, such as old personal protective equipment (PPE). Solid waste management (SWM) has attracted international attention over the years, owing to its ability to ensure the long-term viability of a safe, healthy, green, and clean economy, particularly during worldwide pandemics. The generation of solid trash has increased dramatically in emerging countries as a result of rising population, urbanization, and living standards. Globally, solid waste generation has become a major environmental concern. It has seen a 2.44-fold increase in solid trash during the last decade. More than half of all solid trash is collected, stored, and disposed of.
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