How to Manage Distance Learning for Children with Autism during the COVID-19 Pandemic at Rumah Autis Depok, Indonesia?

Fitria Ayuningtyas, Vinta Sevilla, Uljanatunnisa Uljanatunnisa


The Covid-19 epidemic, which attacked in early 2019, had an influence on all aspects of society, including schooling. Students who are studying must eventually follow from home, limiting their activities. Learning at home is challenging for most children, but it is more difficult for children with autism. Children with autism have a unique view of life compared to the general public. This research is necessary because it will provide additional information about the best distance learning methods and media for children with autism, particularly at Rumah Autis Depok in Indonesia. This research employs qualitative analysis, which is a technique for analyzing social research data without translating it to a numerical format. This research demonstrates that Rumah Autis Depok has a comprehensive distance learning program for children with autism, which includes employing online learning, such as a home visit program and worksheets delivered to parents once a week, which the teacher will supervise every day via WhatsApp and/or Zoom Meeting. Each child's worksheets will be unique, and each child's worksheets will be tailored to his or her IEP. The use of online and electronic-based learning is seen to be beneficial for children with autism.


Distance; Learning; COVID-19; Children with Autism

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