The Maintenance of Sasak Alus Language in Noble Families at Kotaraja Village
This paper was aimed describe the use of Sasak alus language (base alus) vocabulary and how to maintain it in the noble family of Kotaraja village. Data collection methods are done with interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis is done using data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion by Miles and Hubermen. The results showed the use of base alus in noble families (nuclear families) and extended families of nobles at Kotaraja village is still quite well maintained. The total number of base alus vocabulary that is still used is 150 vocabulary. In the nuclear family, the amount of base alus vocabulary used is. 53 vocabularies. 29 base alus vocabulary whose intensity of use is quite high, and 20 words of base alus intensity is sometimes used. Thus, in extended noble families, the intensity of use of base alus vocabulary is also high, namely 33 base alus vocabulary that is often used and 22 that is sometimes used. While the vocabulary of 97 vocabulary is only used at formal events, namely meetings in government, customary events, and official religious events. There are several ways that noble families maintains of base alus, namely: (1) accustoming their children to speak the base alus since childhood. The use of base alus also carried out in noble families is 72%; (2) Wherever possible marry their sons and daughters with fellow noble families. At the wedding the most prominent use of the base alus was on 'Sorong Serah Aji Krame' led by the 'Pembayun'; (3) Using the of base alus in family meetings, on major holidays, such as Eid-Mubarak and Eid-Adha, prophet's events (Maulid Nabi) and other events; (4) Become a leader in the government and religious section, such as: Village Chief, Village Secretary, Village Affairs Head, Customary Chairman, Village Minister, or Village Head; and (5) Use Indonesian mixed with base alus. Noble families take the middle ground so that in association with non-noble communities that have social status will run well in their daily activities.
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