The Model of Collective Cultural Restoration Based on Traditional Law as Estimate Increasing Household Economic Welfare and Maintenance of Kolor Ethnic Social Harmony
The miniature plurality of the Indonesian nation as a multiethnic, multicultural, and multilingual nation can be seen, among others, in the province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) because the population of NTT is formed from sixteen ethnic groups spread over five large islands and a number of small islands. The Manggarai ethnic group oversees several ethnic groups and one of them is the Kolor ethnic group that is scattered in the Waerana and surrounding areas. In accordance with the scope of aspects as the scope of the study, the main targeting points that are targeted in this research are the conceptualization and dynamics of the culture of Gotong Royong culture in the life of the Kolor ethnic group and; the design of the cultural restoration model of gotong royong as a plan to increase household economic welfare and maintain social harmony of the Kolor ethnic group. Some of the prominent characteristics that characterize the model of cultural restoration of Gotong Royong, among others, are in the form of a Joint Venture Based on the Culture of Gotong Royong, hereinafter abbreviated as (UB-BBGR); the minimum number of group members is five people with the majority being women; organizational structure consisting of a chairman, secretary, treasurer, and members who are elected through a process of deliberation; and each group determines its own group name and motto using the local Kolor language.
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