The Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesian Cocoa Bean Exports 1981-2019
Cocoa beans are one of the export commodities from plantations in Indonesia. The export of cocoa beans is influenced by various factors of total production, exchange rates, domestic prices, and international prices. So the purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between total production, exchange rate, domestic prices, and world prices in influencing exports of cocoa beans in 1981-2019. The methodology of this research is causal-comparative with a quantitative approach using secondary data from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Indonesia and International Cocoa Organization (ICO). The data analysis method in this research used Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). The results of the research are as follows: 1). Total cocoa bean production has a positive and significant impact on Indonesian cocoa bean exports, 2). The cocoa bean exchange rate has a positive and significant impact on Indonesian cocoa bean exports, 3). Domestic prices of cocoa beans have a positive and significant impact on Indonesian cocoa bean exports, 4). World prices have a negative and insignificant effect on Indonesian cocoa bean exports, 5). Total production, exchange rate, the domestic price of cocoa beans, and world prices together affect Indonesia's cocoa bean exports by 53.1% and 46.9% influenced by variables outside the research.
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