Protection of Business Activities for Micro Enterprises by the Government Ternate City Area
This study aims to describe the regulation of the protection of business activities for Micro Business actors according to the provisions of the legislation. As well as to examine the role of the Regional Government of Ternate City in carrying out protection of business activities for Micro Business actors in Ternate City. The research method used in this research is empirical legal research. As forThe location of the research was carried out in Ternate City, as one of the former cities compared to other regencies/cities in the North Maluku Province, so it is hoped that the Ternate City Government will have more experience in administering local government affairs, including experience in carrying out government affairs in the field of Micro Enterprises. The study aims to ascertain whether the results of the application of the concrete legal events in concreto are in accordance with the provisions of the law or contract. The reason for using qualitative analysis methods is because this research is a legal research that uses qualitative data (not quantitative data). The results of this study indicate that pProtection of business activities for Micro Business Actors is only strictly regulated in Government Regulation Number 7 of 2021 concerning Ease, Protection, and Empowerment of Cooperatives and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. However, the regulation does not determine the limits of the authority of each level of government and the classification of the business fields under their authority. Business activities for Micro Business actors by the Ternate City Government have been regulated in Ternate City Regional Regulation Number 13 of 2018 concerning Micro Enterprises. However, the implementation of protection has not been maximized because it turns out that currently many large business actors carry out business activities in various regions so that Micro Business actors suffered a loss due to a decrease in buyers.
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