The Aspects of Reprimand and Praise of Muhammad Ibn Sinan
Studies on the character of Muhammad ibn Sinan in the books of the Rijal reveals different opinions towards him. He has been emphatically reprimanded by a great number of Rijaliyun by the accusations of being weak, being blamed, liar, and exaggerator. In the opposite, in many other narrations by infallible imams, he was praised for virtues like being loyal to the Imams. The present study examines the aspects of reprimand and praise of Muhammad ibn Sinan. The method of collecting data is library and the research method is descriptive-analytical. After investigations, it was found that the large number of trustworthy (thiqah) narrators who have narrated from Muhammad ibn Sinan and the abundance of narrations narrated by him in the authentic hadith heritage is a sign of the narrators' trust in him and a sign of his goodness. An examination of the type of narrations narrated by Ibn Sinan, which contain valuable themes and above the general understanding of the people, shows that at some point in time, contrary to the wills of the Imams, which advised to conceal difficult epistemological themes, by expressing those lofty teachings, he has prepared the ground for him being reprimanded and accused of exaggeration.
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