Natural Science Learning Results Using the Conventional Method and the Snowball Throwing Method

Purdiyanto Purdiyanto, Johanes Sapri, Muhammad Kristiawan, Badeni Badeni, Arifarahmi Arifarahmi


This research was motivated by the teaching methods used by the teacher in each class meeting which were not used randomly, but had been selected according to the formulation of certain learning objectives. It is rarely seen that teachers formulate goals with only one formula, but what is certain is that teachers formulate more than one goal. Therefore, teachers always use more than one method. The aim of this study is to determine if there are variations in student science learning results by using the snowball throwing technique versus traditional approaches in fifth grade students SDN 47 in Jambi City. This research is quantitative. Data mining employs a quasi-experimental approach to elucidate the interaction between two or more variables. The results suggest that there are discrepancies in student learning outcomes, there are variations in student learning outcomes by using the snowball throwing technique versus traditional approaches.


Learning Outcomes; Conventional Method; Snowball Throwing Method; Science

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