The Effectiveness of the Basic Level of Combination Online Education and Training for Early Childhood Education Teachers

Nipriansyah Nipriansyah, Sudarwan Danim, Asti Putri Kartiwi, Edy Susanto


The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the Basic Level of Combination Online Education and Training for Early Childhood Education Teachers. The method used inresearch is a type of evaluation research using qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Observation by observing directly the learning activities and learning outcomes of the training participants. Interviews with resource persons for activities, namely with the head of the education and training institution, education and training instructors, independent task practice assistants, training participants and education and training admins. And documentation techniques to obtain basic training data for combined online modes. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that the implementation of the basic level tiered online mode of training was effective and able to improve the competence of educators with the final assessment results being that 9 training participants received a weighted score with a very good category of 9 people, good 10 people and enough 7 people and all participants were declared Graduated. This research is important to do because it has never been done by previous researchers, and the basic training for combined online mode is different from the previous online training, this combined online mode training uses an LMS and the requirements to be included in this LMS participants must be registered in the dapodik and have a SIMPKB. Based on the findings, the researcher recommends that this combination online mode basic training continue to be developed because there are many conveniences and leniencies such as learning that can be done anywhere and is not too time-consuming.


Effectiveness; Basic Level Tiered Training; Combined Online Mode

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