Understanding the Convenience of Mobile Banking Adoption for Banking Customers in the Millennials Generation

Doddy Adhimursandi, Suharno Suharno, Yohanes Kuleh


The goal of this study is to see how different aspects of online convenience affect the desire to utilize mobile banking. The population and sample of this study were 240 customers who are millennials and use M-Banking in 3 big cities in East Kalimantan Province, namely Samarinda, Balikpapan, and Tenggarong. According to the findings of this study, access convenience, search convenience, evaluation convenience, and post-benefit convenience all have an impact on the desire to use M-Banking. Next, the result shows that the intention to adopt M-Banking has an effect on the adoption of M-Banking. The results of this study can be used as suggestions for banks in improving services using the M-banking platform to make it more comfortable.


M-Banking Adoption Intention; M-Banking adoption; Online Convenience; Mobile Banking

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i12.3259


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