Analysis of Creativity and Innovation of PGSD Lecturers in Online Learning based on Learning Management System FKIP University of Pakuan

Fitri Siti Sundari, Nurlinda Safitri Safitri, Ratih Purnamasari Purnamasari


This study aims to analyze the creativity and innovation of PGSD lecturers in online lectures based on the Learning Management System FKIP Pakuan University. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method involving PGSD lecturers at FKIP Pakuan University. Research data were collected through observation, interviews and document analysis. The data was analyzed qualitatively by using the Analysis Interactive Model from Miles and Huberman, namely data collection, data reduction, data display), and drawing conclusions / verification ( conclutions ). The results showed that PGSD permanent lecturers had good creativity and innovation of PGSD lecturers in online lectures based on the Learning Management System FKIP Pakuan University. In creativity, PGSD permanent lecturers have very good fluency of thinking, very good flexibility of thinking, have good elaboration of thoughts and have good originality of thinking. While in innovation, PGSD lecturers have an average innovation in the good and very good categories. The learning media created are their own work and are varied.


Creativity; Innovation; Online Lectures; Learning Management System

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