Recognizing and Explaining Ayatollah Khamenei's Interpretive Presuppositions in the Realization of Social Justice
The administration of justice in society is the slogan of Islam. One of the ideals and goals of the divine prophets has been the realization of justice. Justice, as one of the foundations of faith, is said to be the midpoint of everything so that everything is in its place and does not go to extremes. The line of Islam is moderate, it does not accept the extremism and strictness nor negligence of some societies, but the main pillar of the call to Islam is justice. In order to administer justice, the preconceptions of its realization need to be recognized. Ayatollah Khamenei, the political activist of the present age and the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran in his social thoughts, has taken care of this important issue in interpreting the verses about social justice. The present article has examined it with an analytical-descriptive method and achieved several preconceptions in three areas. A- The position of social justice B- Conditions for the realization of social justice C- Goals and ideals for the realization of social justice. The findings of the present study are the superiority of justice in social relations over individual justice in Ayatollah Khamenei's view, the realization of which leads to the invitation of the nations of the world to Islam, and justice in defending the oppressed is achieved through the authority of Muslims on the international scene and God-fearing government officials. Also, the goals such as achieving a decent life, denying discrimination, defeating centers of oppression, enjoying the various talents of the benefits of society, and preventing crime are among the results of examining Ayatollah Khamenei's interpretive ideas.
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