The Media Literacy in the 21st Century: The Role of Teacher in Historical Learning
This research is elucidating the teacher’s roles in the implementation of media literacy in the historical learning. The research site is in Senior High School 2 Magelang with the subject of research is the history teachers and students in 10th grade and 11th grade. The qualitative method with case study approach was used in this research to to get deeper data that contain the meaning. The data collection was conducted through the observation by plunging into the field and observes directly how the conditions are running in the classroom. Then in addition, the authors also conducted interviews with the teachers and students. These data collection, then combined or triangulated with observation, interview and documentation. This research shows that the teacher's role in media literacy is necessary in the process of learning history. The media-based learning process requires supervision and direction from teachers because there is a potent to have positive and negative impacts.
Keywords: 21st Century Media Literation, Historical Learning, Teacher RoleKeywords
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