The Analysis of Code Mixing Among Luwuk Socities’ Conversation in the Mids of Covid-19 Pandemic
The aim of this research is focused on the code-mixing used in the mids of covid-19 pandemic by luwuk societies’ conversation. The purposes of this research were investigated the kinds of code-mixing, the dominant kind of code-mixing, and the factors of code-mixing. This research used descriptive qualitative approach as the research method. Observation and interview were chosen as the collecting data technique. This research result showed that there were three kinds of code-mixing namely intra-sentential code-mixing, intra-lexical code-mixing and involving change pronunciation. The dominant kind is intra-sentential code-mixing. Moreover, there were attitudinal factors and linguistic factors as the causative factor. Attitudinal factors which is included of new culture introduction and social value. Linguistic factors included of popular term, code limited, speaker personal, conversation topic, conversation purpose, humor sense, and listener. The implication of this research was researchers’ and language observers’ contribution about the development of language variety among the societies of Luwuk City, Banggai Regency.
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