Criminalization of Commercial Sex Workers and Service Users of Commercial Sex Workers in Criminal Law Renewal

Muhamad Khalif Ardi, Supanto Supanto, Rehnalemken Ginting


The purpose of this study is to look at the regulation of the actions of workers and service users of commercial sex workers in the current criminal law and to see the regulation of the actions of workers and service users of commercial sex workers in the future. This research is a normative research or doctrinal legal research using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The results of this study are that there is no clear regulation in Indonesian criminal law regarding criminal liability for the actions of workers and service users of commercial sex workers other than those contained in certain regional regulations, and in the future with the criminalization of acts of sexual intercourse outside the marriage bond as an act The criminal complaint in the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) must be changed into a form of ordinary crime so as not to limit the movement of law enforcement officers in carrying out law enforcement related to the actions of workers and users of commercial sex workers.


Criminalization; Commercial Sex Workers; Service Users; Criminal Law Reform

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