Legal Politics in Implementation of Large Scale Social Restriction Policy in Health Development towards the New Normal Era
COVID-19 has become a disease reality that has changed the social structure of society, causing many casualties and having an impact on economic and business sectors around the world. Countermeasures in handling the Covid-19 pandemic carried out by many countries tend to be trial and error, including the handling carried out by the Indonesian state. Indonesia's handling of the Covid-19 Virus against infectious outbreaks is carried out by actively involving the community as regulated in Article 5 of Law Number 4 of 1984 concerning Infectious Disease Outbreaks and legal policies regarding Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). However, this is considered less effective in preventing the transmission of Covid-19, because some offices, industries, and entertainment venues are still open, many people are still active outside their homes and traveling using private vehicles. This condition has finally brought the Indonesian government to an understanding of implementing a new normal policy or a new normal life order as a realistic response to the existence of COVID-19 and strengthened by the estimation of the discovery of a vaccine as the only weapon to deal with COVID-19 which cannot be found in a short time. because it is still in the development stage and requires time for testing.
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