The Dimension of the Higher Order Thinking Cognitive Process in Indonesian Language Teaching Textbook for Senior High School Students
An increasing advanced civilization requires educational institutions to be more adaptive. This challenge is realized by revising the 2013 curriculum, which integrates higher-order thinking skills. This study aims to describe the cognitive dimensions of higher-order thinking in textbooks on the aspects of analyzing (C4), evaluating (C5), and creating (C6). This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data source used in this study is the Indonesian language textbook for Class XI SMA published by Erlangga. Data collection techniques in this study are content analysis, reading and note-taking techniques. The data validity technique in this study used theoretical triangulation and expert judgement. The data analysis technique used an interactive data analysis model. The results of this study showed that in the Indonesian language textbook XI grade published by Erlangga, there were 170 questions that lead to the cognitive dimension of high-level thinking dominated by analyzing skills of 63 with a percentage of 37.06%, 55 questions evaluating with a percentage of 32.36%, and 52 questions of creating skill with a percentage of 30.59%. In general, the form of questions in the book is dominated by description questions and a few multiple choices. Even though it is presented with multiple choice questions, it does not eliminate the cognitive element of high-level thinking skills. Type of multiple choice questions can be used to assess low to high levels of cognition.
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