Influence of Trust on Customer Engagement and Intention to Reuse Ferry Transportation Modes Lembar – Padangbai

Mahdi Mahdi, Handayani Rinuastuti, Akhmad Saufi


This study wants to examine buying intention factors that are influenced by trust variables and customer engagement. The study aims to find out the influence of trust on the intention of reusing the mode of transportation of the Lembar-Padangbai crossing. As well as seeing the indirect influence of trust on the intention of reusing through customer engagement on the mode of transportation crossing Lembar-Padangbai. This research was conducted on the Lembar-Padangbai crossing mode in 2021 with a population of 223,264,600 passengers. The sample number of 100 people using the formula Slovin and purposive sampling techniques. Data collection methods use questionnaires and data analysis tools using SEM analysis with the Help of the SMART-PLS Program. The results showed that trusts have a significant direct effect on reusing intentions, and customer engagement can affect the influence of trust on the intention of reusing. The contribution of the trust's direct influence on the intention of reusing is 70.5%, while the contribution of trust influence through customer engagement to the intention of reusing is 34.9%. Advice to the company to maintain the level of trust and customer engagement to increase customer intentions to reuse ferry services mode Lembar-Padangbai.


Trust; Customer Engagement; Intention; Reuse Ferry Transportation Modes

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