Increasing Students’ Achievement on Simple Two-Dimensional Figure Materials Through Students STAD for Third Graders of Elementary School
The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of STAD cooperative approach learning to improve student learning outcomes in the material two-dimensional figure in third graders of state Elementary School of Dadapsari 129 Surakarta. This research is classroom action research which refers to the design of Kemmis and McTaggart which consists of four components: planning, action, observation, and reflection. This study was conducted in two cycles. The data is collected in this research by the observation sheets, interviews, field notes, and student scores. The participants of this study was 33 students consist of 10 male and 23 female. The findings showed that the percentage of completeness of classical study increased by 30.7% in the pre-cycle to 87% in the second cycle. The average score of students also increased from 62.15 for the pre-cycle to 76.03 in the second cycle. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the implementation of STAD cooperative learning model can improve student learning outcomes at the material of two-dimensional figure to follow the phases of class presentation phase, the study group phase, study team and monitoring phase, evaluation phase, and, appreciation group.
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