The Fundamental and Ideological Differences Between Islamic Human Rights and Western Human Rights: From Allameh Ja'fari's Viewpoint

Mohammad Shokri Chaharborj


Given the development of human thought and intellect over centuries and the complexity of international ties, human rights have become a critical issue. Muslim philosophers and thinkers attempt to improve the widely accepted Western human by analyzing them, eliminating their flaws, and replacing them with supreme rights and provisions of Islamic laws so that human society can enjoy the valuable achievements of these rights and help man reach the highest happiness. Since Allameh Ja'fari had a significant scientific impact on the content of the Declaration of human rights in Islam, adopted in Tehran in December 1989, the present study aimed to examine his viewpoint on the fundamental and ideological principles of Islamic human rights and Western Human rights to show the superiority and comprehensiveness of Islamic human rights. The data were collected through library research and examined descriptively and analytically. Examining the motives for the formulation and ideological bases of both declarations in Islam and the West confirmed the superiority and comprehensiveness of Islamic human rights.


Human; Islamic Human Rights; Western Human Rights; Fundamental and Ideological Differences; Allameh Ja'fari

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