The Challenges of Information Systems-Based Public Service Management in the New Normal Era

Frinda Novita, Hafzana Bedasari, Roli Sambuardi, Azmi Azmi, Kurniawati Kurniawati


This research aims to analyze the management of public services based on information systems in the New Normal era in Karimun Regency after a year of running and its inhibiting factors. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of in-depth interviews and observations. The object of the study is UPT-PPD Samsat Karimun Karimun Karimun Regency and the taxpayer community. The results showed that public service management based on E-Samsat information systems has not shown significant benefits, both for increased motor vehicle tax revenue and for ease of administration. The main factor of inhibition found is that E-Samsat is not a fully full online system, still lack socialization of E-Samsat to the community, and the habit of using formal or informal intermediary services that are still more popular with the public. As a recommendation, for the achievement of the goal of innovation of better E-Samsat information system, the Regional Revenue Agency cooperates with SAMSAT and the Relevant Police to improve E-Samsat into a fully online system, especially in the procedure of payment of motor vehicle taxes, further promote the socialization of E-Samsat to the community, and increase positive disposition among E-Samsat service officers to support success in the challenges of public service management. sis information systems in the New Normal era.


Public Service; Management; New Normal

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