Mapping Managerial Competence of Primary School Principals in South Sumatera

Alamsyahril Alamsyahril, Muhammad Syukri, Muhammad Kristiawan, Nila Kesumawati, Rohana Rohana


In this quantitative research, we drew the managerial competence considered weak from 16 (sixteen) managerial competencies of Primary School’s Principals in South Sumatera based on Regulation of National Education Minister Republic Indonesia Number 13 of 2007. The instrument used was questionnaire. The result mentioned that there were 8 (eight) sub managerial competencies considered weak and need to be coached 1) developing the school’s organization; 2) creating the conducive and innovative school’s culture; 3) managing teachers and staff optimally; 4) managing school and community relationships; 5) managing students; 6) managing curriculum development and learning activities; 7) managing school information system; 8) monitoring, evaluating and reporting the implementation of school’s program activities. The results contributed to the Ministry of Education and Culture Republic Indonesia in conducting the managerial competence of Primary School’s Principals in South Sumatera.


Managerial; Competence; Principal

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