Reconstruction of Serat Panitisastra Values in Learning History Class XI Sma Surakarata
The focus of research is the reconstruction or meaning of the values of Serat Panitisastra used as the development of historical learning. Panitisastra is a serat genre piwulang reproduced by Yasadipura II of Kasunanan Surakarta and its contents of social ethics. The purpose of the study is to identify the results of reconstruction in the form of values and knowledge of Serat Panitisastra. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Sources of data used are informants or resource persons, places of activity in learning, documents and archives. The results of the research are: 1) The values contained in the Serat Panitisastra can be used as a component of the development of learning history and learning resources. Can also be used as an urgent moral guideline for character education students; 2) Description of history learning in SMA Negeri 6 Surakarta; 3) draft history-based learning model of Serat Panitisastra.
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