Criminal Liability of Political Parties in Corruption Criminal Offense

Prima Sophia Gusman, Oce Madril


This research aims to analyze the criteria of political parties’ criminal liability on corruption criminal offense and the obstacles of law enforcement. It also aims to analyze the regulations and its application in the future. This is normative research that uses literature review. It analyzes secondary data in the form of primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The research results show: (1) criminal liability of political parties in corruption cases may only be demanded if the crime is carried out in the name of the political parties or if it is based on a mandate of that party; (2) the juridical factors which inhibits criminalization of political parties include the corruption regulations’ incapability to penalize them, there are contradictive legal norms between that of corporations and political parties, and that not all corporate criminal sanctions may be imposed to political parties; and (3) it is hoped that the legal regulations on corruption may categorize political parties as corporations, to give a deterrent effect to political parties involved in corruption.


Political Party; Corruption; Criminal Liability

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