Existence of Salafi Education Institutions in West Nusa Tenggara: Study on Resistance and Conflict of Beliefs and Student's Parents Motivation in Selecting the Salafi Educational Institutions

Hasbialloh Hasbialloh


Generally, Salafi is religious group which is emphasize to the purification of Islamic teachings based the Qur'an and Al-Hadist (the traditions of the Prophet) as well as attend to follow the comprehension of scholars of al-Salaf al-Sāli’s Islamic teaching (called the generation of comrade or shahâbat), tâbi'în (followers of comrade) and atbâ ' al-tâbi'în (followers of tâbi'în). This study is a qualitative descriptive. The researcher describes the phenomenon that occurs in current Salafi educational institutions include the conflicts of belief and its resistance. This study was conducted at Islamic Boarding School of Abu Hurairah Mataram, As-Sunnah in East Lombok and Imam Bukhari in Dompu regency. Observation, interviews, and documentation was used to collect the data. The result of this study found that; 1) The characteristics of Salafi educational institutions in West Nusa Tenggara were held in the form of Khalafi education system, namely conducted public schools in the Islamic boarding school environment by emphasizing the cultivation of the faith and comprehension of Salaf (aqidah and manhaj Salaf). 2) The source of conflict occurred between Salafi and the community of Sasak in Lombok is the difference of understanding to the religious practices. The resistance that occurs to Salafi educational institutions was called close resistance, so that no significant influence on it existence of the Salafi educational institutions and, 3) The motivations that encourage the students’s parents to select the Salafi educational institutions including the teaching of Salaf faith, memorizing the Qur'an base on salafi dak’wa, and save environment for the students. And also Salafi educational institutions provide the Islamic curriculum, the credibility of the teaching staff as well as the boarding school system.


The Salafi Dak’wa; Conflict; Resistance; Motivation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i10.3060


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