Educational Communication During the Covid-19 Pandemic to Teachers and Students in Donggala Regency
The corona-19 virus (Covid-19) was declared a pandemic disease because it has claimed many lives. This virus can be transmitted from touch and a very close distance of social interaction by not using a mask. To prevent the spread of covid-19, the policy implemented by the government is to limit human interaction such as teaching and learning teachers and students at home through online media. The purpose of the study is to find out the educational communication strategy in the time of the teacher and student pandemic in Donggala Regency. Qualitative research methods using a case study approach. The results showed that there are two educational communication strategies carried out by teachers to students during the covid-19 pandemic, namely through (1) online media such as whatshap, google meet, and google classroom. (2) Face-to-face consisting of two ways (a) the teacher comes to the student's house consisting of 3-4 students in one group and (b) students have the opportunity to learn with the teacher in school even with a limited time of 2-3 hours.
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