The Urgency of State Defense in Enacting Leadership
UPN “Veteran” Jakarta is a university that has fulfilled the requirements on consideration of becoming a state-owned university as proposed by the Ministry of Culture and Education. Out of three considerations for the conversion of private university to a state university, the UPN “Veteran” Jakarta has fulfilled two considerations. Which is that the UPN “Veteran” Jakarta has something novel that can’t be offered by any other universities as the university based on state defense ideas. State defense is an effort by every citizen in defending its nation, where it’s realized in form of patriotism and willingness to sacrifice. Leadership in general terms are the ability or the capability to influence others in order to achieve a certain goal. It is a trait innate in every leader which constituted of: personality, capability, and willingness. Leadership is a sequence of activities done by the leader that can’t be separated from its position, style, and the attitude of said leader. As well as their interaction with the followers and the situation related to. Based on the stated background our team will resume the research by exploring further how urgent it is the value of state defense in enacting the leadership role.
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