Student - Folk Craft for Young People Teaching History as a Factor of National Education
The article discusses the importance of studying the history of folk crafts and educating them in the spirit of national values and traditions. It is known that the main idea of the national model of training is to bring up a harmoniously developed person. At the heart of the national model is the individual and his positive qualities. Therefore, one of the urgent tasks today is to improve the selection and application of teaching methods to the individual. In this regard, labor education classes, including those taught in general secondary schools, are of great importance in preparing young people for life and careers. In this case, some of the works of folk crafts can be widely used, especially in technology education classes. Because the teaching of folk handicrafts to schoolchildren is of great importance in educating them spiritually, in the spirit of universal national values, introducing them to the crafts, traditions, centuries-old national values of their people and directing them to the profession. In this regard, the curriculum of labor education in general secondary schools provides students with information about folk crafts, teaching them about folk crafts. lib, which has great potential for performing the above tasks directly. With this in mind, in recent years in our country are developing several dozen types of folk arts.
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