Application of Gadamerian Hermeneutics in Medicine based on the Meaning of Mulla Sadra's Truth
Hermeneutics has been introduced as a science of Tafsīrand Ta’wīland this science emphasizes human understanding. Various fields related to the fields of human life and human civilization are the fields of study of this science. the different realms of hermeneutics in the field of medical science requires special delicacy and precision; because any inconsistency of the doctor's understanding with the truth of the disease puts the patient at risk of death. The present article, by descriptive and analytical methods, has applied Gadamerian hermeneutics based on Mulla Sadra's explanation of the truth with the topics of medical hermeneutics. Gadamerian method of medical hermeneutics has paid special attention to understanding the disease due to the importance of human life, and according to this method, both the physician and the patient participate in achieving the nature of the disease according to a dialogical and two-way model. Understanding the truth of the disease follows understanding the truth of the human body; and since the truth of the body, according to Mulla Sadra, depends on the truth of the soul and it also depends on the origin of the universe, which has infinite perfections, then the truth of the human body is unlimited. In short, the physician and the patient proceed through a dialogical relationship to a layer-by-layer understanding of the truth of the disease.
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