The Strategy of Sustainable Competitive Advantage Creation by Make-Up Artists (A Study of Male Make-Up Artists in Greater Malang)
Make-up artist is a profession that has long been identified as woman’s job. Now this job also taken by males, who even can survive the competition. The objective of this study is to analyse the strategy of male make-up artists in creating their sustainable competitive advantage.By phenomenological approach the results of this study are male make-up artists in Greater Malang build their sustainable competitive advantage by (1) maintaining the quality of their work, the development of products that suit market’s demand also provide service with better make-up result, (2) keeping the excellence of their service, flexibility in service venue, furthermore their behavior that easy-going and friendlier, (3) making innovations and branding though attractive portfolio with “before-after” into look differentiation by developing a team of other make-up artists under one name with different specialty.
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