Operational Efficiency Technologies Subjects of the Pedagogical Process Through the Application of the Efficiency Formula

Turgunov S.T., Akmalova D.T.


The article is devoted to topical issues on technology to ensure the effectiveness of the activities of subjects of the pedagogical process by applying the formula for effectiveness. The forms and features of pedagogical processes in universities are highlighted and described. The idea is substantiated that the "formula of efficiency" developed by the authors allows to achieve high activity and efficiency of students' activity in pedagogical processes.


Efficiency of The Subjects; Pedagogical Processes; Forms of Pedagogical Processes; Formula of Efficiency; Observation; Coordination of the Activities of Subjects; Objective Assessment; Diagnosis based on Results; Improvement of Tasks and Strategies

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i8.2981


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