Effect of Variety Seeking and Electronic Word of Mouth on Brand Switching (Study on Millennial Generation as Modern Coffee Shop Consumers in Surabaya)
The purpose of this study is to find out the Effect of Finding Variations and Communicationby OnlineWord of Mouthtoward Brand Switching (Study on Coffee Shop Consumers in Surabaya). This type of research is conclusive research. Research with problem solving research studies using the number of respondents as many as 200. As for obtaining data from 200 respondents, researchers added an error sampling of 5% so that the number of respondents as many as 210. Sampling techniques used in this study are non probability sampling, with judgemental sampling method and snowball sampling. The results of this study showed that the search for variations positively influenced the Switching of Consumer Brands of Modern Coffee Shops in Surabaya e-WOM has a positive effect on the Switching of Consumer Brands of Modern Coffee Shops in Surabaya.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i8.2976
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