The Color Palette in the Work of the Iranian Writer Rаziye Tujjar
The article analyzes the symbolic expressions reflected in colors in the stories of Razia Tujjar, one of the greatest representatives of modern Iranian literature. In modern Iranian literature, the famous writer Raziye Tujjar has a great ability to fully understand a woman's heart, reach the depths of a woman's heart, revealing all its secrets. Raziye Tujjar writes in a unique style that distinguishes her works from other writers for the richness of philosophical observations, the beauty of language and style, and the presentation of social problems. Most of the characters in her stories are women. The writer is very fond of colors in her stories. She sees the world through different colors and shades. Especially gray, full of hardships, she describes it and ends her work in a depressed state. Our scientific article also emphasizes the role of color symbolism in the richness of the literary imagery of the writer.
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