Historical and Scientific Contexts of the Tendency of Qur'anic Scholars to the Scientific Miracle (I’jāz) of the Qur'ān

Mahdi Pichan, Amir Ahmadnezhad


Science and theories are influenced by the assumptions, beliefs and discourses that govern the situational context, and in other words, by the historical, cultural, social, and scientific conditions that govern the expert scientific community. Accurate and comprehensive explanation of any theory requires reflection on its historical and scientific contexts of its appearance. This study attempts to examine such contexts and contexts as factors that lead to the tendency of Qur'anic scholars to choose the Quranic scientific side of I’jāz over time. One of the most prominent causes of tendency to scientific miracle must be referred to unifying the scientific view of the Quran and avoiding divisive theological and jurisprudential views, confrontation and boredom against progress and colonialism of the West, scientific expertise of believers in scientific miracle and having a materialistic and mundane view toward Qur'anic verses based on the conditions and needs of the time.


Miracle (I’jāz) of the Qur'an; Scientific Miracle; Historical Contexts; Scientific Contexts; Paradigm; Historical Hermeneutics

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i10.2962


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