Implementation of Online Learning During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Mathematics with a Scientific Approach in SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City

Siti Munawaroh, Makmuri Makmuri, Sarkadi Sarkadi


This study aims to (1) find out online learning planning in mathematics subjects with a scientific approach at SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City, (2) find out the implementation of online learning of equivalent fractions in grade 4 SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City, (3) find out the results of online learning in mathematics with a scientific approach at Daarul Qur'an Elementary School Kalibata City. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research (case study). The location of this research is the 4th-grade students of SD Daarul Qur'an Kalibata City. Sources of data in this study were the principal, waka curriculum, mathematics teacher, and eight students. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The sampling technique in this study used primary and secondary data, using data analysis techniques, namely reduction, categorization, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. While checking the validity of the data using the degree of trust, transferability, dependence, and triangulation of sources. The results of the study revealed that: (1) online learning planning during the covid 19 pandemics in mathematics subjects with a scientific approach using the application zoom. Then for the curriculum using the 2013 curriculum and adjusted when in the field, (2) the implementation of online learning of equivalent fractions in grade 4 uses a scientific approach. The reason is that students are active in learning. Because so far online learning has only focused on monitors, (3) the results of online learning in mathematics with a scientific approach show that online learning in mathematics subjects with a scientific approach is quite difficult to apply online, then not many students can follow the steps. step. So the scientific approach is not suitable if applied online.


Online Learning; Mathematics Subject; Scientific Approach

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