Analysis of the Effect of Service Quality, Knowledge Level, and Islamic Financial Literacy Level on Muslim Community Decisions to Use Islamic Bank Services

Hermanita Hermanita, Suci Hayati


This study was conducted to find out how the influence of the level of knowledge, quality of Islamic banking services, and the level of Islamic financial literacy possessed by the Muslim community on decision making using Islamic banking service products. The research was conducted with a quantitative and causal associative approach. The study was conducted on 100 respondents who are Islamic bank customers in Metro City, Lampung, Indonesia. The data obtained through filling out the questionnaires were then analyzed by statistical analysis using multiple linear regression. The results of data analysis in this study indicate a significant influence between the level of knowledge, service quality, and the level of Islamic financial literacy on the decision of the Muslim community to use Islamic banking services.


Islamic Banking; knowledge of the Muslim Community; Quality of Bank Services; Islamic Financial Literacy

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