Cultural and Traditional Sport Pacu Jalur Location In Regency Of Quantan Singingi Riau Province
This research was conducted in Kuantan Singingi Regency of Riau Province. This research is descriptive qualitative interpretative research with the subject of research is the origin of culture and traditional sport pacu jalur, traditional tour and sport of the pacu jalur, and what values are contained in the traditional sport of the pacu jalur. Data collection techniques include observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation of records. The results are summarized as follows: 1) The origins of traditional culture and sport, have existed since the Dutch era. Initially Pacu Jalur was held in villages around the Kuantan River to commemorate the big day of Islam, such as the Prophet's Mawlid, Idul Fitri and the Islamic New Year. However, after the Dutch entry into Indonesia, Pacu jalur changed the function that is to commemorate the Queen's Anniversary Wihelmina. The pacu jalur was not held during the Japanese colonial era. After the era of Indonesian Independence, Pacu jalur was again held to commemorate the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, Pacu Jalur always held around August every year. Pacu jalur has become the official agenda of the Regional Government (Pemda) and has been included in the national tourism calendar. Initially this pacu jalur is only commemorated at religious events only, namely the religious event of Islam maulid prophet. But with the development, the pacu jalur is no longer displayed at religious events only. 2) The tours contained in the culture of pacu jalur is the night market, pacu jalur expo, festipal art area. 3) What values are contained in the pacu jalur, the value of adaptation to nature, where the pacemakers must adapt to the river, the value of art and culture is evident from the carvings, track paints and clothing or uniforms of the pacu jalur, the economic value seen at the time of manufacture the pacu jalur that does not cost a bit and the value of sport is seen from the movement of the paddle paddle racing boy and the strength of arms and hands with great enthusiasm.
Keywords: Pacu Jalur; Values; Culture Tour; Sport Traditional; River; Taluk Kuantan
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