The Concept of Regional General Election Dispute Resolution During the Reformation Era
A form of democracy’s manifestation is the organization of the general election, namely a ritual carried out to choose a leader. Indonesia’s general election is aimed to achieve people’s sovereignty and simultaneously apply the democratic principles and values, to increase the people’s political awareness to actively participate in the general election to achieve the Indonesian people’s democratic ideals. The first organization of the Head of the Region elections was during the Reformation Era, specifically in 2005, through direct election. The implementation of this direct regional general election surely resulted to some disputes. The direct organization of head of the regions certainly resulted to disputes, including the dispute between the General Election Commission and the general election participants regarding the national general election vote obtainment results which may influence the election participants’ seat acquisition. Another dispute regards the head of the region general election results. Formerly, the resolution of this type of dispute was carried out at the constitutional court.
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