The Role of the Regional Office of the National Land Agency Aceh Province in Settlement Land Disputes

Mila Hayati, Suhaimi Suhaimi, Sulaiman Sulaiman


This study aims to identify and explain the role of the Regional Office of the National Land Agency of Aceh Province in resolving land disputes and dispute resolution procedures are carried out by the Regional Office of the Aceh Province National Land Agency. With the enactment of the “Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency of Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2016 Concerning Settlement of Land Cases”. Several land cases in Aceh occurred because of the dual certificates issued by the District/City Land Offices. So that the Regional Office of the National Land Agency of Aceh Province needs to take steps to be able to resolve these cases in order to prevent the emergence of wider land conflicts in the community. This research is included in empirical juridical research, with primary data obtained through field research. The data obtained qualitatively, which is then presented descriptively. The results of the study indicate that the role of the Regional Office of the National Land Agency of Aceh Province in resolving land disputes by reviewing the certificate or conducting re-examination of the physical data and juridical data in the certificate. The procedure or mechanism for implementing dispute resolution carried out by the Regional Office of the Aceh Province National Land Agency in resolving land rights disputes is to conduct an assessment of the decisions issued by the Head of the Regency/City Land Office whether they contain administrative legal defects or not. If the certificate issued is categorized as administrative mal, then the Regional Office of the National Land Agency of Aceh Province will repair and/or cancel the certificate on the basis of administrative defects and/or interested parties submit an application to the Regional Office of the National Land Agency for repairs or cancellation of the certificate.


Land Dispute Settlement; Multiple Certificates

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